Need help?
Our goal is to bridge the gap in available resources for El Paso County's neediest and most vulnerable populations, which we do by working through our partner agencies. Her Pantry partners with local agencies to provide supplies to our community through their individual programs.
Interested in becoming a partner?
We will work with your agency to provide diapers and other basic needs to help support various programs.
501(C)(3) status as defined by the IRS;
In good standing with national affiliates or parent organizations (if applicable)
80% of clients anticipated to receive diapers fall below the federal poverty line.
A case management system that provides a minimum of 30 days to no less than 90% of clients; (Her Pantry defines case management as no less than a needs assessment, referral or intervention and a follow-up)
Serving clients in El Paso County.
Must distribute products to a minimum of 10 unduplicated individuals monthly.
Has three years of 990 filings posted publicly.
As of January 2023, Her Pantry is at capacity and is not accepting additional partner agencies. Please contact us to inquire about placement on our waiting list.