Period Supply Program
Period Supply Program focuses on providing families access to period supplies and preventing period poverty.
What is period poverty?
Period poverty is the lack of access to period supplies. When women do not have access to period supplies, not only do they feel unprotected but their confidence and education are at risk. Women are less likely to participate in education and other activities without the proper period supplies, making them unable to reach their full potential.
2 in 5 women struggle to purchase period products due to a lack of income.
1 in 5 women misses work or school due to a lack of period supplies.
1 in 5 women misses work or school due to a lack of period supplies.
Period Talk
Period Talk is a peer to peer talk for school aged girls with the goal to engage, educate, and empower young girls to talk about their periods.
Participants receive a gift bag with period supplies.
Email us if you'd like to request a Period Talk.